$2.69 is the average, but that also includes consumer items like lollipops and tube socks.

A keyword phrase like "bad credit business loans" is $13 - $17 per click, and finance related keywords in general are among the top 20 most expensive keywords, along with legal/attorney related, student debt, and others.

Organic SEO has become a lot about human interaction. It is effective but it can be way more risky than PPC because of the time and money you put upfront, and the wait time to see results, that's IF you see any at all.

BUT, you can also be more creative, and generate leads for dirt cheap if you're willing to really be different, or really resonate with your audience.

A well optimized site can expect 10-15 clicks to convert to a lead.

Minimum 60%+ of those leads will be start ups, 3K and under, overleveraged, scammers, defaulters.

Of the interested ones, 50% will want a term loan, line of credit, etc. and will not take a cash advance.

A small amount will be info seekers and will take another 30 days to take action

You want to respond to the merchant quickly because they usually fill out more than one web form.

You also need an agent who sounds credible and knows how to move the merchant to action.

Average close time for ALL PPC leads is a week and a half, typically the fastest of all the marketing methods.

Average deal size is $35,000

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