Quote Originally Posted by Martinez N View Post
Funny how you are considering buying 200 nose hair removal machines. Are you planning to initiate a salon this year?

Nadia, Nadia, Nadia…..

Tut, tut…..you’re being silly…

I don’t initiate salons, I initiate models from my fan club….

The same club we released you from….(and sweetheart, that restraining order stands for two more years, so no more climbing the trees outside our office pretending to exterminate ants, while snapping pics).

You already know the nose hair removal machines go to all our fans, you’ve replaced 3 of them.

At some point, we’re going to have to reflect inward, and realize that a uni-mustache/nose combo may be just outside our expertise to assist….

…and you may need someone more versed in Neanderthal studies….which, at this time is not us, but which may change if demand (other than you) increases.