Let's start with the main question - What types of deals?
The most important thing you can do in this industry is have a relationship with the funders, not just some random ISO guy who reaches out to you. Everyone will tell you that, but do your own DD on them, take a look at their LinkedIn, see if they're real people, and do searches on DF.

Also, if you have a good relationship with other brokers, someone to rely on to give you real answers, or to help you shop deals without stealing your money. And then there's brokers who have their own deal-flow who can just coach you Yes or No when you ask them about the funders, that's super helpful as well.

There's also a learning curve when it comes to nuances. Don't just post on DF saying "HELP" and expect a magic carpet. Read and follow here. I'm not in the NY scene so I don't know all of the interpersonal relationships that come with family members and the like, but I know that it does exist and deals are being eaten alive.