Quote Originally Posted by Yankeeman07 View Post
Please keep slandering me on a public forum - even without you providing your name - you can be found and yes,
(You have heard of Log Files and I.P. Addresses?) I have a few Attorney's (Don't need them much) and they have connections that specialize
in specific facets of law. I even have a friend or 2 that are retired Law Enforcement that still work part-time tracking trolls on the Internet.

BTW - since this is Sean's Forum he could wipe me out in 3 seconds - not a big issue for me.
This Forum belongs to him, not us.

Trust me - I do not need DF to make a living - I was earning a living before Google and if all
social media disappeared tomorrow - no skin off my nose.

Continue to do what you have done since 2016 - go troll on someone else
Still waiting to hear from him on his double standards on forum rules .maybe your attorneys and law enforcement friends ,scared him from requiring you to provide basic info before solicitation on this site .
Dave if admin is not requiring it than you are doing nothing wrong and do not need to answer but even you keep posting the rules of what is required .
I wish admin will be clear and comment on this so you can stop threating everyone