Micah’s English is impeccable, that much I can completely vouch for.

There was this one time he was stuck in Mexico with no passport and just a few pesos for breakfast, which would have been his last meal as he was about to be arrested by policia for a suitcase full of peach jars, that weren’t really peaches…

He sent me an email telling me he needed help fast, and I totally gave out for him. Western Union insisted we both get on the phone to confirm the transaction, and let me tell you….

His English was the sweetest I had heard in a very long time, just a touch of Argentinian, it was like the Ocarina of Time. So Dave, you might need to dust off one of your old language arts GED books, because ain’t nutin’ here for you.

I kept the email as a reminder, in case you ever forgot Micah, and because you spelled your name wrong in the send message.