Quote Originally Posted by OF_Funder View Post
"Provide your complete legal name, company name, title, where registered, company address, office phone number, (Not a Google Voice Number and not a cell phone)
domain name, domain name email address, which I will forward to our Lawyer for an appropriate response."

LOL. I am not soliciting business. I do not have an email signature of an unregistered company. I am not misleading and lying to all my peers claiming i am properly registered.

So you still REFUSE to state where FC Financial LLC is legally registered. Admin should immediately BAN you.

(NOTE: I hope you really do have an attorney. And that you are not lying about that also. With your practices, it sounds like you are going to be a few of them)
Please keep slandering me on a public forum - even without you providing your name - you can be found and yes,
(You have heard of Log Files and I.P. Addresses?) I have a few Attorney's (Don't need them much) and they have connections that specialize
in specific facets of law. I even have a friend or 2 that are retired Law Enforcement that still work part-time tracking trolls on the Internet.

BTW - since this is Sean's Forum he could wipe me out in 3 seconds - not a big issue for me.
This Forum belongs to him, not us.

Trust me - I do not need DF to make a living - I was earning a living before Google and if all
social media disappeared tomorrow - no skin off my nose.

Continue to do what you have done since 2016 - go troll on someone else