Finding Merchant cash advance leads mining has become a challenging task with the rise in competition as well greater demand by small business owners. This is when merchant cash advance leads vendors to come into play all promising to give high-quality leads with the highest conversion rates, which is less likely. Such MCA lead vendors use various marketing techniques for bringing a pool of reliable prospects under one roof.

And did you know that Facebook too, is a powerful method of connecting and bonding with prospects?

Do you know how many Merchants log in to Facebook every day?
More than 1.5 billion and still growing!

With such a large number of daily users, Facebook has grown to become the number one choice for marketing platforms, and using this platform you can easily generate leads, redirect your followers into your website, and close more accounts.

On the other hand, a few businesses have tried their luck with this platform but failed to garner the returns they desired

Here are a few basics of Facebook ads for generating merchant cash advance leads using the world’s most popular social network.

Sharing Posts About MCA Program:

The easiest and fastest way to spread the word about your service is by social sharing. Content virality is an effective strategy.

When people like, comment, or share your posts, the activity automatically appears on their friends’ News Feeds, who might be interested in your product.

Through this, you can easily promote your business and be referred to potential clients in your circle of influence. Further enabling you to generate verified MCA leads ready to do business.

Use Facebook Insights to track your posts, shares and learn more about prospects.

More Traffic = More Customers!

Many businesses use Facebook to boost web traffic. With engaging and appealing content, the web traffic generated is highly targeted and drives visitors who are genuinely interested in learning more about your services.

To generate effective leads, create engaging posts that provide information, relate to your MCA services and offers, and share useful advice.

It is advised to post content with high-quality images because a picture catches the attention of users, who in return, will help you get more shares, comments, and likes.

Facebook announced that its latest algorithm will concentrate more on community build-up and interaction.

So, initiate a group and invite your friends for joining the group who could be turned into loyal customers.

Facebook Pixel, the latest script with Facebook Ads Manager will enable you to view –

  • sources of traffic,
  • demography,
  • behavior/psyche,
  • and their interest.

Feel free to connect with us if you wish to install Pixel into your website for monitoring your traffic today.

Lead Generation using Pixel:

Data analysis helps the algorithm to understand as well as track your client preferences on social media
It’s extremely important to add an appealing call-to-action to your Facebook posts.

With the help of this marketing strategy, potential customers will click the given link that will redirect them to your landing page providing complete information on your MCA offers.

You can also benefit from an increased number of subscriptions by asking visitors to fill in a short contact form for their respective names, email addresses, and other information.

The visitors can be later emailed individually at least two times a week to remind them about your offerings.

After getting potential leads, you can learn about their business’s needs and provide the required financial assistance.

Data Processing to Reach High Potential Clients:

A major benefit of using Facebook for your merchant cash advance leads is the vast treasure of data available online.

Facebook is a social platform where you can gather information from many active users without much hassle.

Marketers can use this data for trimming the niche of target customers and reach out to clients accordingly.
As for MCA leads, you can look for entrepreneurs that have recently started new businesses.
Target marketing campaigns on the right audience will improve your web traffic, leads, and client referrals. You can also use Facebook Insights for gathering useful data on your audience, i.e.,

  • gender,
  • language,
  • age,
  • location, etc.

How does one set up a Facebook remarketing campaign to retrieve merchant cash advance leads?

  • Signing in to ads manager
  • Look for “audiences” in the search bar
  • Go to “create audience” and select “custom audience”

You can remarket to audiences based on the following grounds:

Web traffic:
Target profiles that visited and later viewed specific page(s) on your website.

Customer file: Display ads to people about whom you have already accumulated data, such as their email or phone number.

The activity of app: Not applicable unless you intend to promote your app for tracking downloads and usage. Facebook will initiate an ads campaign for your page only after matching 20 users based on your set criteria; moreover, it's crucial to build organic traffic prior to considering running any paid ads campaign on your page.

What's your ultimate Campaign Objective?

Although there are multiple objectives to choose from yet the most applicable objectives for generating merchant cash advance leads would be to either opt for "Traffic" or "Conversion".

To manipulate the Custom Audience segment, select the criterion of visitors landing on your site 30 days ago.

It's equally important that you filter certain demography, such as men below 25 who are less capable of being the owner of a restaurant or training facility.

Where do you want your ads to show?

One can either opt for in-stream videos or Stories, however, Facebook knows better regarding the placement for ads wherever there's better conversion possibility.

Set a daily budget, either per day or monthly basis depending on your feasibility as well as affordability.

Apart from that, you can also view your reach, which can be used for determining the right audience.

Facebook Ads & Merchant Cash Advance Leads:

Running paid Facebook ads is a powerful marketing tactic that can generate a high number of qualified leads.

After creating the advertisement, you can publish it instantly with the following approval.

Facebook allows its users to initiate campaigns for as low as $20, and the algorithm will initiate its process based on the search behavior of followers and their mutual friends.
When viewers click your ad, they should land on a page that is an elaborate version of your ad with a call-to-action.

This will definitely increase your chances of converting those visitors into customers.
One major benefit of paid Facebook ads is that they are highly cost-effective.

If you compare it with traditional telemarketing or TV ad campaigns, you’ll see that Facebook ads save you a lot of time and money, along with measurable data needed to calculate the ROI of your business.


It is highly likely that your competitors run ads on social media platforms and earn millions! To establish your brand image, you should opt for social media ads by creating brand awareness in the market. With large numbers of available business owners surfing Facebook, it won’t take long for your brand to stand out.

Call (951) 525-5101 for connecting with business owners today.