Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Oh no! "A merchant must disclose personal information to a 3rd party!" My goodness! I would never do that, especially if I'm trying to sign up with someone who others have had good experiences with and it can make me money. Oh the humanity!

Yes Grasshopper - As much as possible everyone should avoid allowing any 3rd party to connect to your bank account.
Also, whenever possible, do not disclose your SS, EIN, ETC.

For the Genie Gateway, we are a software company that process the movement of money (we are not involved in the actual transaction)
therefore, we do obtain Social Security, EIN #, nor is is necessary for a customer (merchant) to connect their bank accounts to us.

We deal with "Push Transactions" - the customer, who also could be a merchant - "pushes-authorizes" the transaction.

Every week we learn of data breaches and it occurs so often, most people have become immune - not a good situation.

**To obtain a Genie Pre-Paid Visa Card the card holder submits their SS# to the bank, not to Genie Gateway.