Hi and thanks for your question. I have a simple, three step process.

First is to simply gather some high level information about the subject property and the borrower. I have a brief list called "Property Questions". If you email me at Dan@BoulderEquityPartners.com I will send that to you. If all looks good upon our preliminary review, I will issue a Conditional Loan Approval. Along with that approval, I will request some documents (application, credit authorization, etc.).

Second Step: When we receive the requested docs, my team will dig in and pre-underwrite the file. Assuming the information provided supports the initial "Property Questions" and the numbers look solid, we will issue a formal Letter of Intent (LOI).

Third Step: The borrower returns the executed LOI and wires the deposit for third party costs (appraisal, legal, title, etc.). Typical close time from this stage going forward is 30-45 days.

NOTE: This process is pretty quick and can be done in less than a week. The reason we pre-underwrite the is that I don't want to take anyone's deposit until I am confident the loan request will fund.

Hope this helps - Dan