Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
SBAs and LOC's are the "Hook" to get the Apps. Selling the "Dream" of a better tomorrow .
Well I do Sbas and it's not a dream you have to know who qualifies. I did 2 Sbas and bought out positions. Sba the merchant don't net money they are basically paying off debt. So Mcas are debt. It takes months but it's worth it in the end. I fund them while they already have a term sheet and make sure rhe debt is the same in the end. Its not a dream if some of it is true. It's all in someone's pitch. I never promise a merchant and I never ruin lenders relations by saying that. So like I said Standard financing will never tell a merchant oh take this MCA we promise you a LOC. No way because they had a lender division and it had happened to them before. So with that said. Standard is a huge Iso with amazing potential and any Lender will he making money boarding or having a relationship with them.