Happy Columbus Day
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Reputation points: 2673
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    Nov 2019

    Happy Columbus Day

    529 years ago, Columbus sailed on a rickety, rat infested, and leaky ships, the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. Columbus did not have a GPS, radar or radio. His only clock was a sand hourglass. He did use a compass and sextant to guide his ships by the celestial objects.
    In 1492, Columbus got his merchant cash advance from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who were desperate to find a route to the spice islands of the Indies. At that time, Portugal was the ruler of the seas and spice trade. Columbus left Palos, Spain and sailed for the Canaries and then sailed West for the indies. He estimated that Japan was about 5000 miles away. Not too far was China. Just a slight miscalculation. Columbus may have intentionally miscalculated to ensure he received his merchant cash advance. This was an era when many people believed the world was flat. Columbus believed it was round. Anyway, Spain would profit handsomely from his discovery. Columbus rests in the great Sevilla Cathedral.

    Columbus discovers America.jpg


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 2673
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    Nov 2019

    Thank you for sharing.
    First, the Marxists malign Columbus. National Geographic takes the socialist perspective rather than the religious and historical perspective of Columbus. Columbus was a devoted Christian. He wanted salvation. Columbus wanted to convert Indians into Christians to save their souls. By doing so, Columbus ingratiated himself with the Catholic Church. He also believed he was doing God's work.
    There were abuses. The viruses brought unintentionally by the Europeans caused more harm.
    If Columbus were such a villain as NG makes him out to be, then please explain why Colombia has not changed its name? Please explain why many cities in Central and South America have not changed the names of cities named after Columbus? I don't buy into the revisionist historians' perspective of Columbus because they are motivated by their Marxist ideology of the oppressor and the oppressed. They don't see any nuisances in History. They discount the role religion plays in history.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Reputation points: 226125
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    This is a complete fabrication of history. Created by the Italians who wanted to "fit in" in American society.

    Check up the Wikipedia.

    There was never a time in history that anyone with any basic knowledge thought the earth was flat. Any scientist who can use a telescope realized that. (Note: It's brought in "Tosafos" in Avodah Zara and in the Zohar.) "Geographical considerations"

    - It wasn't an "MCA", it was an investment, and he claimed he saw land first and therefore got a lifetime pension from Ferdinand and Isabella. Cute marketing but it just makes you sound like an idiot.

    - Columbus thought he'd reach the other side of Asia faster by going the other way because of various mistakes he made regarding how big Earth was

    - Columbus was a cruel person, who slaughtered, dismembered, raped, tortured and enslaved both Europeans and natives in his pursuit of gold and wealth and love of power. He was responsible for somewhere around 3,000,000 deaths. https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/h...er-slave-trade

  5. #5
    Senior Member Reputation points: 226125
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    Cashyew, you can't just change a name so quickly. Columbus being religious doesn't prove he was a good person. It just shows that his version of Christianity is cruel. He was in the context of the culmination of the Inquisition and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. So if anything, why would a Christian want to celebrate him? Why would a Marxist want to celebrate him, slaughtering the masses for the rich?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Reputation points: 2673
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    I was being facetious with the "MCA". Considering how much King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella invested and the return on investment was much higher than a MCA.

    It is regrettable that Spain banished the Jews. However, Columbus's discovery helped to establish what is the greatest and freest nation on earth, where Christians, Jews and Muslims can practice their religions freely. Another benefit of Columbus's discovery.

    "Indigenous Peoples should have their day to acknowledge their invaluable contributions, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the Italian American culture."

    Arawaks and Caribs were warring against each other. A Spanish "tribe" arrived and fought with them. This is not an Arawak or Carib or Spanish issue. This is a human being issue. Humans fight and conquer.

    This does not diminish Columbus's accomplishments. Columbus risked it all to sail across the Atlantic and opened the North American and South American continents.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Reputation points: 305505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cashyew View Post
    I was being facetious with the "MCA". Considering how much King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella invested and the return on investment was much higher than a MCA.

    It is regrettable that Spain banished the Jews. However, Columbus's discovery helped to establish what is the greatest and freest nation on earth, where Christians, Jews and Muslims can practice their religions freely. Another benefit of Columbus's discovery.

    "Indigenous Peoples should have their day to acknowledge their invaluable contributions, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the Italian American culture."

    Arawaks and Caribs were warring against each other. A Spanish "tribe" arrived and fought with them. This is not an Arawak or Carib or Spanish issue. This is a human being issue. Humans fight and conquer.

    This does not diminish Columbus's accomplishments. Columbus risked it all to sail across the Atlantic and opened the North American and South American continents.
    exactly we celebrate the accomplishments not if they are a good or bad person

  8. #8
    Senior Member Reputation points: 226125
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    So now it's about Italian culture? Columbus was one Italian American, who was funded by the Spanish, who was a skilled sailor. Yes, G-d wanted the New World to be opened to everyone, but really the USA was the eventually home for free practice of religion and escape from persecutions (which is an ironic difficulty .... how to keep that spirit alive while limiting immigration). But to celebrate "Columbus" Day? It is a made up holiday that has no inherent value, there's no reason it has to be celebrated at all, it just drives us all crazy that banks are closed on a random Monday in October.

    Although I won't discount it entirely. Rabbi Avidgor Miller OB"M said it's better to celebrate Columbus Day (that America has been an amazing place for specifically Judaism to revive itself) than Israeli Independence Day. Although he celebrated neither.

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