The gentleman that owns the office complex we are in has a history as the number one residential real estate flipper in North Florida, purchasing over 50% of all residential and multifamily homes from 2006- 2012. When his lines of credit from local capital managers dried up, he went soft on the purchasing side. He's looking for options to continue his flipping operation at a higher level.

He has a package showing his performance, history, team, banks, and references ... which I've personally brought to meetings I've set up with the 3 largest private banks in our area ... All who have no appetite for such loans.

I'm not sure if there are folks here who might be able to assist or refer me to someone who can, but any assistance is appreciated.

Some details on this gentleman:

Owns $750k home and 7 cars free and clear
Owns a commercial office complex that generates $50k/mo in gross revenues
Has a local hard money lender evaluating providing a $500k line at 10% annual plus 2% of gross sales amount on all properties.

I know this a bit out of the mca box, but figured I'd drop it in the bin and see what happens.

Thanks for any assistance or recommendations.