Back dooring has been part of this industry and will probably always will be here. Even if the funders get caught some will just change there name and do it again. Or the ones that are doing it are just brojkers that are getting white labeled from the funder so newer iso's that do not have to many connections will keep sending files over to them.

I been back doored as a rep by an underwriter and it sucks and even before that i would never do that to my iso's. My iso's trust me and the company to do the right thing by them. That is why they put all the information needed on the app and not fake info. Even with the fake info you can go online and get the business phione number maybe home and cell number iof yiou are really good at that. So not putting the real info on the app will maybe dter some people from trying to steal your client but not everyone and not everyone like myself would even try to do that.