Quote Originally Posted by killerspin View Post
You co brokered a deal and now have problems getting paid commission… lol. Your deal was most likely sent to 20 different places and wouldn’t be surprised if Ikahn wasn’t even the funder. Not defending anyone but don’t come on the forum looking for a sympathy card.
Merchants statements show Ikahn pulled all the payments.

Not looking for sympathy. Informing everyone here. I sent the file to Hybrid Funder. He sent it to who knows and Ikahn funded it. I come here looking for information on funders/brokers to fund my deals and funders/brokers to stay away from. If I sign up with a broker/funder and I get ****ed over, I'm gonna be back on here with those results. I'm gonna have proof and I'm gonna name names.

I know it's a snake infested business and if I get bit I'm gonna publish it. Here and elsewhere.

You guys and gals send your deals where you want but I WILL NEVER SEND ANOTHER FILE TO HYBRID FUNDER OR IKAHN.