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  1. #26
    Senior Member Reputation points: 16117 capaxess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshbr9 View Post
    lol VAERS, literally ANYONE can REPORT an adverse effect after vaccination, so that means you can report a death because someone got in a car accident leaving the pharmacy and HHS CDC, etc wont investigate that for months or years to come!!
    VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients.

    after that statement the rest of your writing is nonsense
    Ok now, see? This is where misinformation can be a problem. You are deeply misinformed about the VAERS reporting system yet you publicly make assertive statements with no reservation at all.

    The opposite of what you claim is true. That is, reporting an adverse effect on VAERS is quite difficult. In fact, a Harvard study showed that only 1% of adverse vaccine effects show up on VAERS as a result of how difficult they make it for doctors to make an entry. Despite the fact that only 1% of all adverse events including death are actually entered, covid jabs alone have already surpassed in 8 months more deaths (over 13 thousand) than all previous reported vaccine-related deaths in 20 years combined. Here is the publicly available information from the CDC:

    Ignoring data and mocking effective treatments is following the science?

    Again, it was never my intention to have this discussion at all much less here on DF.

    I simply wanted to help anyone looking for work where they don't require a medical procedure.

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by capaxess View Post
    You mean this Ivermectin? The one that won a Nobel Prize? That one? The one which has reduced covid cases in India 98%? This is way too easy, you guys are no fun at all:
    This is false. Gateway pundit(fake news) published an article stating its true but with no actual data to back it up. Fact check it. Most experts believe the reduction in cases in India were due to lock downs and masks although no-one can really say what it is for sure and there is no actual data to back up the fact that it is due to ivermectin.

  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by capaxess View Post
    Ok now, see? This is where misinformation can be a problem. You are deeply misinformed about the VAERS reporting system yet you publicly make assertive statements with no reservation at all.

    The opposite of what you claim is true. That is, reporting an adverse effect on VAERS is quite difficult. In fact, a Harvard study showed that only 1% of adverse vaccine effects show up on VAERS as a result of how difficult they make it for doctors to make an entry. Despite the fact that only 1% of all adverse events including death are actually entered, covid jabs alone have already surpassed in 8 months more deaths (over 13 thousand) than all previous reported vaccine-related deaths in 20 years combined. Here is the publicly available information from the CDC:

    Ignoring data and mocking effective treatments is following the science?

    Again, it was never my intention to have this discussion at all much less here on DF.

    I simply wanted to help anyone looking for work where they don't require a medical procedure.
    False again. Anyone can report on VAERS. Go ahead right now and do it yourself. Does not mean they are actually true. The website literally says that anyone can report on VAERS. Seems to me more you are getting quotes from articles or pundits that fit your narrative but none of that can be backed up. Using the word jab is an easy sign to tell bias.

  4. #29
    Senior Member Reputation points: 16117 capaxess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshbr9 View Post
    buddy, I copied and pasted the sentences between the quotes from the real HHS VAERS site, not the "openvaers" antivaxxers site that's created by a team of mostly unknown individuals who have an agenda: Heres the article about the owner

    They get 40% of their traffic from gateway pundit and other fake news, conspiracy sites. you are under their spell, and its hilarious that you don't even know that, and think we are the ones who are in denial.

    So try again on VAERS, you'll be wrong all your life.
    I respect your right to be dead wrong.

    I also realize that I could be wrong too which is why I read, research and educate myself as much as possible.

    The link you posted is quite long and delves into deep details regarding Open Vaers, thank you for offering this information. It's dead wrong but thank you anyway.

    As far as I'm concerned this discussion has come off the tracks and needs to end. For the last time I'll say it so I'm clear:

    Regardless of what you believe or don't believe about the virus or injection, state mandated medical procedures as a condition for employment are un-American, illegal, immoral and incompatible with a free society. Personal medical choice cannot and should not be mandated by the state. Period.

    IN closing I reiterate my offer to post any employment positions offered by the good people on this board where injections for covid are not mandated.

  5. #30
    Senior Member Reputation points: 16117 capaxess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FIRST US View Post
    False again. Anyone can report on VAERS. Go ahead right now and do it yourself. Does not mean they are actually true. The website literally says that anyone can report on VAERS. Seems to me more you are getting quotes from articles or pundits that fit your narrative but none of that can be backed up. Using the word jab is an easy sign to tell bias.
    PM me, we'll compare notes. I'm not here to argue or prove anyone else wrong or that my positions are correct.

    Everyone is trying to figure things out and make the right choices for themselves and their families, I'm nobody special.

    I do know when I'm being lied to and manipulated though, I've had a lot of practice! lol!

  6. #31
    Senior Member Reputation points: 84417
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    As The World Turns - FDA Does a Bait and Switch with COVID Shots
    Dave Lambert, Business Development
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  7. #32
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    For everyone worried about who does or does not have shots -

    Over the past few months we have over 1,000,000 entering the USA across the southern border from all over the world.

    No Shots, No Vetting - - Jut enter the USA and the Donkeykratz will bus and fly them all over the USA - not a care in the world.
    Dave Lambert, Business Development
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  8. #33
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    (1) The new vaccines are different than others ever on the market until now, so why are the anti-vaxxers even throwing this one into their bucket?
    (2) Why is anyone who is in favor of vaccines not also in favor of opening up and also focusing as much as possible on as many re-purposed medications as possible to get this thing under control and back to endemic?
    (3) Why are people not watching Indian and British data and seeing that with or without vaccines there is an end for every outbreak? Michael Levitt has been saying this for over a year over here and the US and Israel outbreaks will be over within a few weeks.
    (4) Sweden didn't have an outbreak with Delta at all because they stayed open from the beginning
    (5) Is it worth ruining my children's lives and putting a MASSIVE cash burden on future generations to save the vulnerable?
    (6) Is it not racist to lock down and put the low-class in society who HAVE to go to work in danger's path, and let those of us with the ability for home offices to boss them around stay inside scared of COVID?
    (7) Is our life over and nobody should ever get married and have kids because of COVID? When will masks and social distancing stop? Is the solution worse than the problem?
    (8) Why is anyone upset at a company for charging more for the vaccine? Isn't that called capitalism? No mandates, just charge them more for their health insurance like Delta is doing now. You're more of a risk by not being vaccinated, you may have to miss 2-3 weeks of work if you're sick and not vaccinated or recovered, so pay us an extra $200 monthly to cover the risk. Alternatively, an extra $200
    (9) Why is Dave pushing a conspiracy theory about the bait and switch, other than he thinks anything out of a Democrats mouth is 100% false and anything a Republican says is 100% true. While the WP is not reputable, nobody else on Google has written on it yet, since the conspiracy theory is still brand new.
    (10) After 2 doses (and probably being recovered, but I didn't have enough antibodies to prove it...) I'm still waiting for my tail, I was hoping that it would make me fly. But somehow I did give up my iPad back in March and only started using Microsoft products, I'm not sure why.

  9. #34
    Senior Member Reputation points: 16117 capaxess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshbr9 View Post
    people cant argue with conspiracy theorists like you.
    I just proved you wrong on every point you made yet your reply is that you do your own research however the article I provided is TOO LONG???? LOL.
    All you had to do was read the 2nd paragraph, here's part of it:
    "OpenVAERS is a U.S.-focused site that was created in January this year. The project used to live on, which was created in September 2019, until its owner created a separate website dedicated to the misrepresentation of COVID-19 vaccine data. OpenVAERS repackages raw federal data from the official VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) website to push an anti-vax agenda. The site misrepresents data collected on VAERS and publishes it in a way that has very likely made a significant contribution to vaccine hesitancy."
    So, no one has died from the injection then?

    If you want to rumble for real, PM me and we'll take this off the board.

    I read what you sent, I already know why it's dead wrong.

    Happy to send you what I've read with sources, references and historical context, we can help each other understand things better!

    This is not a discussion compatible for DF - I started the thread to offer alternative employment positions in the MCA industry to those who have chosen for whatever reason not to be injected. That is all.

  10. #35
    Veteran Reputation points: 159073 J.Celifarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capaxess View Post
    So, no one has died from the injection then?

    If you want to rumble for real, PM me and we'll take this off the board.

    I read what you sent, I already know why it's dead wrong.

    Happy to send you what I've read with sources, references and historical context, we can help each other understand things better!

    This is not a discussion compatible for DF - I started the thread to offer alternative employment positions in the MCA industry to those who have chosen for whatever reason not to be injected. That is all.
    Every company has the right to set its employment standards including vaccination status. If it is required then as a worker you have the choice to do it and work there or don't and not work there. Employers get to set the standards not the employees.
    John Celifarco
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  11. #36
    Banned Reputation points: 179851
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    Quote Originally Posted by capaxess View Post
    Name any other drug(vaccine or otherwise) which has killed over 13 thousand people and injured over half a million according to the CDC (VAERS) in just 8 months that is still on the market. I can always recognize those who are fully indoctrinated when they use the term "conspiracy theory" which means: "I repeat what I hear on TV without question and reject any information to the contrary regardless of how much actual evidence there is to support it." If, as you say thinking for myself like, for example, the known fact that every. single. manufacturer. of these injections has multiple felony violations - (look it up) - then it is an honor to be in the minority. This country was founded on a dissenting minority so I'm in good company, thank you! Mindless minions, talking to themselves, re-enforcing what they hear on TV like the fake, Fauci science and propaganda is the problem, not the solution. Two weeks to "flatten the curve", remember that? That was 80 weeks ago. Now it's "show me your papers" at least in NYC. Did you label anyone predicting Vaxx-ports in NYC a "conspiracy theorist" last year maybe?
    So spare me the lamenting "oh you conspiracy theorists" Puh-lese! People far more qualified than you or I are screaming these things at the top of their lungs so being pompous and acting like the information you think you know is unquestionable. I could almost feel sorry for your blindness if it weren't for your astonishing arrogance.
    The Rate of Death for the COVID Vaccine is 0.0019%
    "Modern vaccines are among the greatest public health achievements in history, preventing thousands of illnesses and deaths each year in the United States alone. However, as illness, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases have decreased, concerns over vaccine safety have increased. Despite the reality that a person is far more likely to be seriously or fatally injured by a disease prevented by vaccines than by a vaccine itself, there appears to be a trend towards increased refusal or delay of recommended vaccinations due to perceived safety concerns"

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is a NITWIT. The risks of Not Vaccinating is far worse than Vaccinating, FOR ANY VACCINE.

  12. #37
    Veteran Reputation points: 159073 J.Celifarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
    the rate of death for the covid vaccine is 0.0019%
    "modern vaccines are among the greatest public health achievements in history, preventing thousands of illnesses and deaths each year in the united states alone. However, as illness, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases have decreased, concerns over vaccine safety have increased. Despite the reality that a person is far more likely to be seriously or fatally injured by a disease prevented by vaccines than by a vaccine itself, there appears to be a trend towards increased refusal or delay of recommended vaccinations due to perceived safety concerns"

    anyone who thinks otherwise is a nitwit. The risks of not vaccinating is far worse than vaccinating, for any vaccine.
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    John Celifarco
    Managing Partner
    Horizon Funding Group

    3423 Ave S
    Brooklyn, NY 11234
    T: (347) 773-3990 | F: (718) 795-1990
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