(1) The new vaccines are different than others ever on the market until now, so why are the anti-vaxxers even throwing this one into their bucket?
(2) Why is anyone who is in favor of vaccines not also in favor of opening up and also focusing as much as possible on as many re-purposed medications as possible to get this thing under control and back to endemic?
(3) Why are people not watching Indian and British data and seeing that with or without vaccines there is an end for every outbreak? Michael Levitt has been saying this for over a year over here https://twitter.com/MLevitt_NP2013 and the US and Israel outbreaks will be over within a few weeks.
(4) Sweden didn't have an outbreak with Delta at all because they stayed open from the beginning
(5) Is it worth ruining my children's lives and putting a MASSIVE cash burden on future generations to save the vulnerable?
(6) Is it not racist to lock down and put the low-class in society who HAVE to go to work in danger's path, and let those of us with the ability for home offices to boss them around stay inside scared of COVID?
(7) Is our life over and nobody should ever get married and have kids because of COVID? When will masks and social distancing stop? Is the solution worse than the problem?
(8) Why is anyone upset at a company for charging more for the vaccine? Isn't that called capitalism? No mandates, just charge them more for their health insurance like Delta is doing now. You're more of a risk by not being vaccinated, you may have to miss 2-3 weeks of work if you're sick and not vaccinated or recovered, so pay us an extra $200 monthly to cover the risk. Alternatively, an extra $200
(9) Why is Dave pushing a conspiracy theory about the bait and switch, other than he thinks anything out of a Democrats mouth is 100% false and anything a Republican says is 100% true. https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...authorization/ While the WP is not reputable, nobody else on Google has written on it yet, since the conspiracy theory is still brand new.
(10) After 2 doses (and probably being recovered, but I didn't have enough antibodies to prove it...) I'm still waiting for my tail, I was hoping that it would make me fly. But somehow I did give up my iPad back in March and only started using Microsoft products, I'm not sure why.