Quote Originally Posted by joshbr9 View Post
buddy, I copied and pasted the sentences between the quotes from the real HHS VAERS site, not the "openvaers" antivaxxers site that's created by a team of mostly unknown individuals who have an agenda: Heres the article about the owner https://www.logically.ai/articles/ca...site-openvaers

They get 40% of their traffic from gateway pundit and other fake news, conspiracy sites. you are under their spell, and its hilarious that you don't even know that, and think we are the ones who are in denial.

So try again on VAERS, you'll be wrong all your life.
I respect your right to be dead wrong.

I also realize that I could be wrong too which is why I read, research and educate myself as much as possible.

The link you posted is quite long and delves into deep details regarding Open Vaers, thank you for offering this information. It's dead wrong but thank you anyway.

As far as I'm concerned this discussion has come off the tracks and needs to end. For the last time I'll say it so I'm clear:

Regardless of what you believe or don't believe about the virus or injection, state mandated medical procedures as a condition for employment are un-American, illegal, immoral and incompatible with a free society. Personal medical choice cannot and should not be mandated by the state. Period.

IN closing I reiterate my offer to post any employment positions offered by the good people on this board where injections for covid are not mandated.