Quote Originally Posted by cruisinman View Post
You would be surprised . . .

Then it behooves them to take care of us.

Unless the Funder provided the lead for said Client, the Client belongs to our Network and the Broker that brought them in. The Broker, has exclusive rights to said Client, provided that the Broker has an active Agreement with our Network and they are in good standing.

Funding Deals isn't rocket science. Additionally, our inhouse Manager + the Funder ISO Manager should be able to tell prior to funding if the Deal could be jeopardized.

Nothing wrong with 1.49's over 6 months if the Client qualifies for it. MLM bix model isn't evil. It allows Brokers to leverage their time and resources to create additional income.

LOL - you haven't a clue what actions we will be capable of Josh . . .

You seem to be just another keyboard warrior like Bcooper.

I'm not a keyboard warrior I'm just pointing out the truth your mlm won't work