Quote Originally Posted by Franklin View Post
I think for crusinman, it's going to come down to how much help he gets, how much advice he takes, how fast he learns and adapts, his ability to take hits and get back up, how much he believes in his MLM, and how much he can inspire other people to believe.

In the software and gaming industry, most of the time you're building something that's never been built before, in the quest to create that next new thing, and you go through a lot of trials where you're blind or unclear how of the next step, but you still have to make decisions and move forward. It's always the reasoning process and overall strategy that determines the successful launch of that software.

I don't think we have enough info on the cruisnman to know this. His profile indicates he's hungry to learn and passionate about this, and those admittedly are good traits to have in any new venture, but he's also shown some naivete, like a typical young person who only sees the stars. He either will have or learn the business acumen and pull it off, or he'll remain a "wantrepreneur" and be another bird seed by the way side.

www.UccRadar.com - How about Merchants looking for you instead?
I want to point out that he did mention that he started a successful MLM in 1997, so he's certainly not just a naïve young person.