Quote Originally Posted by mistamca View Post

I love my funders. They are absolutely great but they are not perfect, just like I am not perfect. Those relationships took years upon years to build. I started at one shop, went to another, started syndicating in-house, then built my own brand. Guess what? All of this happened because I worked for someone that actually mentored me. I talk to the guy once a week. We co-broker all the time. Guess what? This is not common at all. I can't tell you how many stories I have of stealing, lying, fraud, and everything else. I learned all of this on someone else's dime.
I, too, am not perfect. But, I am willing to learn. I just have to do it on the fly. I believe that I have also met a mentor like you have.

Only been involved for a few weeks - but, I see some of the stealing, fraud, etc you speak of . . .

Quote Originally Posted by mistamca View Post

Clawbacks for 3 deals in a row? How do make it so cash flow isn't hurt?
All of my current Agreements do not have a claw back or charge back clause.

Quote Originally Posted by mistamca View Post

While it might sound like people on this thread are "hating" on you, they are all giving very good advice. I straight up have no idea how I would operate in this industry if I did not learn from someone.
I have thick skin. I appreciate the legit criticisms. However - some of the peeps are keyboard warriors beating their own drums. I am listening . . .

Quote Originally Posted by mistamca View Post

NOW SBA loans. The bank actually taught me everything. They gave me training material. They set up training sessions. They let me pick their underwriter's brain. Funders aren't banks though.
Haven't really studied the SBA process. But - one of the peeps from this Forum that is giving me advice has that relationship. We will explore SBA further down the road.

Thanks for taking the time to reply Mista . . .