Quote Originally Posted by Bcooper View Post
even if you follow that strategy of cutting points how are you going to handle when a merch wants more than one position, or on renewal doesn't get a rate decrease ect what no one has mentioned on any post here is that people who use mcas continue to use mcas, once a user always a user. the rate doesn't matter 9 times out of ten they are going to refi at 50%, stack the position or get a consolidation of some kind its a cycle and the second you bring them into this space you will be competing with someone like me who is more than willing to offer more positions at higher rates without cutting a penny on commission, and will continue offering positions and rcs as the hb allows it.this is an industry full of sharks and if you arent at a minimum a great white stalking in the depths you will fail epically. the name of this game isnt offering someone a good deal its building the relationship because the merchant will want more money and if you didnt build that relationship no matter how good that first deal is they will get a smooth talker who will give them a 1.49 and stack them 5 times until they need an rc and rinse and repeat. if you arent willing to do that you will lose every merchant you bring in within 3 months sorry to break it to ya.
Thanks for the advice. This type of reply is what I need.

It's good to know that the clients continue to be clients.

I agree with you on building the relationship.

We have a lot to learn. I am in "sponge mode" - soaking it all up.