Quote Originally Posted by cruisinman View Post
We are wanting to be different and not offer anything over 1.39 with 1.30 being the average MCA deal. Target 4 to 6 month deals - maybe up to 12 months for those that qualify.

This isn't cheap money - but, peeps need it for various reasons. We just have to find those peeps.

Like I told my Reps at a few Funders - for our Network, this will either be a Hero or a Zero. We'll just have to see. But - this industry can make the right people a Million $$ with a few years of hard work and Team building.

Micah has been helpful by suggesting other products / services need to be in our quiver to make sure our Brokers are in a good position to close various deals.
those select few people are the ones offering 1.49s you need to have enough room in a deal that if it goes to legal you still have room to make money the only people more expensive than us are lawyers and if you don't have room to pay them you are SOL