Quote Originally Posted by Bcooper View Post
just kinda curious, i used to work at a broker in ft Lauderdale that was essentially a boiler room with a cult-like structure. I'm kinda curious if any of my fellow df members have worked for similar companies and if so what is the most ridiculous thing or things you remember from working at the company. the two things I remember best were that we were never allowed to sit and that the owner thought he was the greatest salesman to ever live and God's gift to man. he would claim things such as Grant Cardone taking sales advice from him and that if you didn't do exactly as he said every single time you would never be able to sell an mca. if you have any funny stories from similar situations or you worked for the company I'm talking about feel free to share your stories.
Most major ISO shops operate like this, with a cult like pyramid structure where unless you're producing you feel like a piece of **** and once you are producing and have your own reps making calls for you you justify it. Once you move a notch up the pyramid its worth it and your perspective changes entirely

Wolf of Wall Street is what they pretend it is and what they want to be, when in reality everyone who works in MCA is a schmuck and even top dogs dont make the kind of money being thrown around in comparison, so its essentially a wannabe pretend frathouse

I worked for a major ISO for a long time and have plenty of retard stories, but I'm saving them for something special I've been working on, and also have no interest in revealing who I am since this is my ****posting troll account and I'd prefer to keep ****posting and being one of the resident DF forum trolls

At the end of the day everyone is a piece of **** and will stab you in the back given enough monetary reason to do so