Quote Originally Posted by Ben_p View Post
Yes it helps me get paid and thats great but I can't renew the merchant. I don't see how that makes no sense.
Yea I was butthurt when Pearl and YS started stacking merchants in splits with ACH Products over a decade ago.

I didn't cry about it. I realized instead of Renewing a merchant 2-4 times a year. I can stack them way more times than that.

Then do a reverse. That Client has become more Valuable to me because there are more options at my disposal.

Where do you draw the line? Why is a Reverse BAD, but a 2nd is okay? A 2nd ruins renewals with 1st position funders anyway, so your decent 2nd position funders are thorns in the side of 1st Position only lenders, and the 1st funders are *****ing at the 2nd funders.

Ill put my money into a deal and let someone reverse it NO PROBLEM. It is giving them the money each week to cover my payment.

As a broker/funder its my job is to work every deal I can. If a deal comes in and their only option is a reverse, thats what they are going to be offered. As brokers your job is to present the best option for the merchant. When a merchant has 3 positions and wants to consolidate, sure submit it to 1st Position lenders that would even entertain paying off 3 positions, but most likely you can only get a 4th or a Reverse.

My point is.... everything is about perception.... you say if brokers do a reverse they are scumbags. Bankers say all MCA's are scumbags.

I say, I'll give the best option I can to a Merchant. Whatever it is. Its up to the Merchant to decide to take it or not. It's their business, Not yours. I'm not a f*cking credit counselor, I sell Cash Advances.

The Grass is always Greener