Cold calls
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  1. #1

    Cold calls

    “Cold calls are dead…”

    That’s one statement I will absolutely never get behind.

    You see these new “sales influencers” out there today trying to push the rhetoric that cold calls are too old school.

    Instead of teaching sales reps valuable skills, they push tactics that are unsubstantiated and irrelevant.

    In reality, cold calls are the backbone of selling. It’s the fastest and most effective way to get in front of your prospect.

    Yes, there will be many times you will be hung up on or belittled, but after every “no”, there is always going to be that one “yes” that leads to a deal.

    And that “yes” is what makes it all worth it.

    Now, you shouldn’t rely ONLY on cold calling. I personally love the idea of mixing old and new media. We’ve got social media, influencer marketing, and all this other stuff, so utilize it!

    You can’t and shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, am I right?

    The best way to increase your sales is to test and measure what works best for your company.

    So to those so called new age ‘sales influencers’, I challenge you to pick up the phone and start dialing….

    Jordan Belfort

  2. #2
    Jordan Belfort defrauded people for a living and went to jail for it, and still pays the tab to the fed for the millions he stole. Cold Calling rocks, but Belfort is a trash man, bro

  3. #3
    Cold calling is for shops who dont know how to generate better leads. YOUR phone should be ringing off the hook not the other way around.

  4. #4
    Bottom line is you won't see turnover unless you've got the skills to get the job done.

    You can have the most quality lead list, then give it a shop who can't sell and you won't see a single deal. Put that same list into the right hands and they'll get 30 full packages out of it same day. This holds true for all data regardless of the source... I've seen this countless times.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by InsiderInfo View Post
    Bottom line is you won't see turnover unless you've got the skills to get the job done.

    You can have the most quality lead list, then give it a shop who can't sell and you won't see a single deal. Put that same list into the right hands and they'll get 30 full packages out of it same day. This holds true for all data regardless of the source... I've seen this countless times.
    Effective cold calls produce results. They aren't everything, but they can be a great a tool.

    There's a muscle built exclusively through cold calling that helps people find or create doorways where there were walls.


  6. #6
    it's all about email and social media

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by FundingStrategist View Post
    Effective cold calls produce results. They aren't everything, but they can be a great a tool.

    There's a muscle built exclusively through cold calling that helps people find or create doorways where there were walls.


  8. #8
    Senior Member Reputation points: 19415
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    Oct 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by FundingStrategist View Post
    Effective cold calls produce results. They aren't everything, but they can be a great a tool.

    There's a muscle built exclusively through cold calling that helps people find or create doorways where there were walls.


    This is 100% true.

    When you have someone who has developed business through cold calling, you can trust to give them real leads and expect real output, ie: they will pursue, they will follow up, they will know how to extract information, identify the real need, desires, and understand when NO, really means "NO, you haven't
    built enough credibility with me to move forward", and then take the steps to listen and provide answers that give that credibility.

    Agents who only know how to take orders and can't sell, giving them expensive leads is just throwing dice in the air and hoping for trips. It sometimes works out but it usually doesn't, because they expect the merchant to throw themselves at you for your business.

 - Merchants are still funding, if you know where to look!

  9. #9
    Senior Member Reputation points: 19415
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    Oct 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by Thegoodbroker View Post
    it's all about email and social media

    Even with email and SM, if you call the lead 2-3 times and stop calling, or you don't aggressively pursue the merchant, or you call him back 48 hours after you received him, or a number of other bad practices, you will have issues.

  10. #10
    Member Reputation points: 281
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    "Cold calls are dead" - I am strongly disagreed
    Mike Davis

    MCA Leads Specialist

    MCA Leads Gateway

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by mcaleadsgateway View Post
    "Cold calls are dead" - I am strongly disagreed
    i could see why you would disagree. lol

  12. #12
    Member Reputation points: 2462 Max Upsell's Avatar
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    Jan 2021
    In your banks

    The people who cold called before being given an inbound stream of deals were always better salespeople than the ones who started on inbound
    If you know you know

  13. #13
    It works great but it is tiring. That is why people would rather pay for transfers.

  14. #14
    I cold call. It still works and always will. I got a good dialer and in 3 hours I can have 5-6 applications that are all qualified and verified. If you know your product and know how and what to ask, it isn't really hard. It's a matter of yes or no and knowing when to keep it moving.
    Last edited by cashplug; 05-01-2021 at 02:49 PM.

  15. #15
    Cold calling is probably the most profitable yet time consuming way out there, you just need brass balls

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