I see you erased a comment, there was something about me saying if a deal is too big for me, Ill send out to get Syndication partners on. And your comment was "So you still broker?"

Apparently you don't know how Syndicating works, People who Syndicate with me, Alot are not even in the Industry, many are Employees here as we offer employees a chance to participate, however there are entire funding companies that fund deals with only Syndicators, and NONE of their own money. We don't send files out to Syndicators, we sent Type of Business, Year in business, a Summary of their past 3 Bank Statements, showing them Neg Days per month, Avg Balance, Positions, Daily pulls, and some other stuff, but all it is is a Snapshot from the Business, along with what we Approved them for and what % is available for Syndication. SYNDICATION IS IN NO WAY THE SAME THING AS BROKERING A FILE OUT - Maybe some shady ISO's fronting as "Syndicators" have implied THEY are Syndicating on another Funders deal, when all they do is Broker it out. However we Operate the other way, We get Syndicators Into Our Deal, on our Paper...You really seem to only have a Basic Understanding of how this Industry works.... Chances are when you see a High Risk Deal, with 6 Positions, One guy has Syndicated on 3 of the Positions, and One group is responsible for 2 of them (Under Different Names of Course). Not mentioning names, but people who fund deals will know who I'm talking about. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU GET INTO DEFAULT DEALS!

Furthermore in regards to collection, We use Standard collection Practices, on Default Deals we have what amounts to a COJ, without being a Confession of Judgement, i'll leave it at that.

And if you don't know how collections companies attempt to collect, you need to be in a new line of business. Banks, Processing Companies, Factoring Companies, Receivables, any way we can.... but again, we Outsorce a Collection/Legal team. I am great at Funding Deals, Not Collections, If you were an ISO and wanted to know our collection process I'd gladly put you in touch with someone who handles that who can answer all your questions..... but since your just some jackass on DailyFunder......