Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
Sorry about that, I gave my old email, which has since been changed to another Employee, Its weird how Google, if you Change an Email to a New Email (In this case Ryan@ was changed to Jeron@) Emails to Ryan@ will still goto Jeron, and you will be unable to get Ryan@ back into the System. Hence my new correct email is RyanP@SBLFunding.biz - However Ryan@SBLFunding will still goto my coworker as you can see below, we received and responded to DF Hall Monitor Dave's Email...... but yea, correct email is RYAN@SBLFUNDING.BIZ - Friday was a hectic day

I have never seen you on statements, on court cases, or UCC searches. Are you sure you are not just a broker pretending to be a funder?

Also you claim to have all this technology but cant get your email to work, sounds a little fishy.