Quote Originally Posted by Yonah E View Post
Just brought in a deal, and the merchant claimed to be a woman by the name of Ming Kyung Delaney. The whole time working on it I was a little weirded out because the merchant sounded exactly like a man, but I don't ask those questions. You never know when a merchant is politically correct, maybe she transitioned?

Anyways, in final review, we realized that the merchant had A) taken funding from Fora yesterday B) Was not actually the person he/she claimed to be.

Turns out that the phone number I had been talking to was tied to her landlord, Walter Mcpeek, who has some felony charges for forgery, and was pretending to be her all along.

This was a pretty wild ride. Has anyone ever had contact with this merchant, or experienced anything like this before?

(I hope Fora has good lawyers).
Funny how these problems are easily solved with a proper identity verification / instant checkout solution, yet these supposedly large funders (like Fora) are unable to put something together.