Meanwhile you see Knight and Pearl on a lot of statements... merchants don't think they're that bad.

Everyone has their opinion on the "worst" funder but it is about relationships and how well you represent and know the products that you are selling.

Low offers is apart of risk. Some lenders give a lower offer because they see something others don't - or they just don't like the deal. If you communicate more and show that you are indeed the broker on the file that has a good connection with the merchant- they will be more responsive. Write a note about the business details and request an amount. Don't just send a file.

Low commissions have to do with how direct the money is. It is also about risk- those who pay the lowest usually take a bigger risk.

Response=Relationships... If you have an issue with response, then you need to fix your relationship. You ever get a call from someone out of the blue because they want something? Don't you feel used? Consistency is key. Why partner with a lender if you aren't going to sell their programs then just use them when you can't get it funded elsewhere. They know... they aren't stupid.