Quote Originally Posted by ryanh View Post
I am primarily a broker and I use datamerch daily. Well worth knowing if I am wasting my time for the money.
I personally think DataMerch is complete bull****. MANY MANY MANY times lenders or even brokers will list merchants in DataMerch as default, fraud, ect and it turns out to be completely false, they just want to deter others from taking their customers.

It is complete bull****. Nothing irritates me more than a file being declined for being in DataMerch for a default, but there are no UCC's or Court Records to back it up. Ive even gona as far as to provide a year worth of statements and literally shown lenders they never missed a payment and paid off in full. You can see the entire advance in the statements, perfect pay history, but like UNDERWRITING ROBOTS with no critical thinking, No we must decline, listed in DataMerch. Im showing you its bull****..... seriously?

thankfully plenty of lenders dont use datamerch period.