Quote Originally Posted by SCCNY View Post
Hi guys, I have a merchant who took over a gas station convenience store in November 2020 that was in operation since 1/2016. The entity was changed in November but nothing else in the business. The deposits going in are only from the convenience store and not gas proceeds.

Merchant has done about $80k/month in deposits almost half of which is credit card revenue, is there anybody that can give us an offer that is decent (not a 3 month 1.49)? Balances are solid, no negative days. Please dm me if you can help, no brokers. Thank you
Just FYI, I wouldn't have responded if Golf didn't, but in order to add value and not just drop thoughts out of the wrong end of my body, these deals can get done if you can show that the merchant has prior experience in the industry, especially if the new owner is located locally is just expanding, especially if the new owner was an employee, especially if the old owner is still there in some roll.