Quote Originally Posted by RickyR3712 View Post
Funders want funding volume. Any other answers is just what will be nice to have. Any iso with serious volume can be a total dick.

Lior honestly would you be happy with an iso that submits a deal with "j1hb23ghj123" labeled on the statements, no information and "GET ME MAX" but funds 3 million a month with you
My perspective from a one- man & hard-working ISO shop is that, even when all the procedures are maintained to the letter once a file is submitted it becomes "fair game" within 24-48 hours with few exceptions. That is, unless I'm able to get the approval across the finish line in that time frame 90% I lose the deal. That is especially hard for those of us who also have to do our own marketing. Thousands of cold calls, return calls and follow ups along with endless hours of chasing docs, stips and sudden "changes of heart" from lenders who see us as expendable, all to have that one deal that makes it get taken by one of the lenders I submitted the file to. I understand the mentality of funders who have to deal with unprofessional ISO's - I hear the same horror stories from merchants I talk to. The babies get thrown out with the bathwater however and the result is that merchants get the message: Get the broker (ISO) out of the way and get a better deal. It seems sometimes as if lenders feel they can survive and remain viable while at the same time kneecapping their front line Sales folks who develop relationships with the merchants. I doubt it, just saying.