Quote Originally Posted by Fetachini View Post
I couldn't agree more with the labeling of those kind of statements. Going back and forth trying to figure out what month is what makes the process take longer.

I also agree with everything DownToFund has said especially the having all of your reps call me for an update on every single deal 5 mins after they submit it. Very annoying.

Also like to add, which has happened a few times.

-Don't CC all of your lenders in a submission especially when you meant to BCC. LOL.
Interesting. The mislabel never really irked me. Open a PDF, you see its Chase acct ending #3341 for April, and 2 seconds later just close the tab and rename Apr 3341. But to each his own, everyone is different and there really isn't a right or wrong answer here, it just boils down to personal preference.

To piggyback on this, I get pretty snarky when I get either dropbox links, or merchant login info as opposed to attached docs. To me, this pretty much translates to:

"hey.. here's a deal. Go fetch the statements and everything you need, then process and then pay me thanks".

If I'm doing your job for you I'll be taking the compensation too. I am not your secretary. Either do your job or take it elsewhere.