Quote Originally Posted by JakeS View Post
The ISO manager is what what makes a real funder successful .
Fully underwriting the file upfront and being 100 % transparent about your programs . An ISO manager that has the industry knowledge to understand a file and overturn a decline when underwriting has different opinion . A good ISO manager fights for ISO's deals that have merit.

If you fund B-C paper and an ISO sends you a high grade deal let them know that you would be good for hop if they fall short on an A paper deal . Don't just a worthless approval that you know has no chance of funding . Communication is key . Ask questions when you get a file in if you think the information will be helpful to get an approval. Review every submission so you know if the deal even has a chance.
Stick to your word and communicate.
If the ISO manager works for company that back peddles go find a solid company to work for .
Time is kills deals !!!!
would you rather have an ISO manager that is constantly overturning declines and fighting for your deals to fund or a funding company that approves a lot and funds with ease?