We can go as low 1.20 as well if they are rate conscious. However, the longer the capital is out, the riskier it becomes. I would love the opportunity to view the file.
amson Partners specializes in funding deals with no SIC code, position or revenue restrictions. As long as the deal makes economical sense for both parties involved, we will fund. Contact Jeff@Samsonpartnersllc.com to discuss further. I have funded open bankruptcies on two occasions, and open tax liens as well. Two of which have become our best clients, because we took a chance on them, when others passed them up. However, a payment plan would def. booster up dollar amt. offer. Everyone needs a chance to get back on track. We understand business owners sometimes hit rough patches, or have personal and or business issues, and we would like to help alleviate their situation. Better said, build their business back up to the potential it should be at, through our various funding programs. I like to bring the human element back into funding, with everything going automated underwriting. I think there needs to be a healthy balance between the two. No deal too small, No deal too big. Contact me for further details on our plans and programs. Regards.
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