Quote Originally Posted by lucrativefundinggroup View Post
ISO Submission newdealslfg@gmail.com

****new loan product*****
15-20% on the P.B. over 9 months loan product
3 months bank statements and a tax return to see if you qualify

Bad credit, tax liens, existing cash advances, seasonal business not a
problem for us we will supply your business with the capital it needs to
reach it goals.
Approval in 24 hours!

Funded in 4 Business days!

4 months bank statements 4 months merchant statements
don't take credit cards no problem 6 months bank statements and the 1st
page this year or last years tax return.

*5k - 1,000,000 in financing
*primarily funding 12-14% of your gross annual income
*ACH programs
*SBA Programs 24 month payback in some instances 36 months
*micro funding
"We have no competitors we beat any deal if you have offers we will beat them" Don't settle for less.

"We want to help you grow your business......"
" whatever the mind conceive and believe the mind will achieve"

Thank You,
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