Quote Originally Posted by Parkview Advance View Post
Looking for equipment financing and factoring guys who actually use there own money and dont just broker the deals out.
Let me know if you have any suggestions.
...and would you happen to have experience and be a licensed/certified equipment finance broker? You may be trying to run a marathon before you've even done a lap. How many equipment financing deals have you closed and who do you work with (questions every lessor will ask, and they don't care how many MCA deals you do).

God speed in going direct if you haven't at least funded 10 equipment deals (direct) and be able to provide references. Use a broker who pays a good commission and can help you understand the documentation process as a way of investing in yourself. (PM me)

As for factoring, it'll be easy to go direct (for the most part) but just as everyone else has done, start researching. Find the best factor (or leasing programs) for your clients and sign with those sources instead to throwing up a post and getting flooded with the Yes men.

What type of equipment are you trying to finance anyway?