If a merchant does not want to sue, but would like the calls to stop, what is the best language the merchant should use when speaking with the MCA Companines that are calling to get them to actually stop calling them?

Is there certain key words that a merchant should use to let the MCA solicitors know that they really need to not call them again becuase the merchant is savy about the whole TCPA protections?

What do you all think about this call dialog example below? If you called a merchant and you and them had the below dialog, would you see to it that they are never called again by you company? And after having the below dialog with the merchant, would you feel that if the merchant was called again by your company, they would be well within their rights to sue your business?

Example call dialoge...
Merchants Cell Phone Rings...

(Merchant) Hello.

(MCA) Can I speak with the business owner.

(Merchant) How can I help you.

(MCA) Is your business in need of any capital?

(Merchant) Thanks for asking, may I ask who I am speaking with?

(Mca) Bob, and I have some great offers on the table.

(Merchant) Slow down Bob, I don't kiss on the 1st date lol. Bob what company are you with and where are you based out of?

(Mca) Forgive me about that, Its just that I'm so excited about these offers I have for you. I work with ABC123 Funding out of New Jersery. Are you currently in an advance?

(Merchant) Bob you called me on my cell phone and the coverage sucks and I'm having a hard time hearing you. Is there a number I can give you a call back at?

(MCA) 555-555-5555

(Merchant) And if I need to send over some statements to you what's your email address?

(Mca) bob@abc123.com

(Merchant) Thanks. Can you do me 1 favor?

(Mca) Yes sure, what is it?

(Merchant) Please remove my number from your call list and do not call me back.

(Mca) [no response, just hangs up the phone].