Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Winning, I meant in the file that I see.
Most people aren't disciplined enough. How many people keep balances on their credit cards when they could easily pay them down? A lot.
I'm guilty...

Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
But most business owners, if they had enough cash to start a business, didn't also have enough cash to buy their home.
Cash advances are expensive, so why didn't they go to their bank to get a term loan on their home for less than 5%?
Most people don't have financial / business advisors until it's too late.
Ok, I can see where you are coming from, makes sense.

Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
And, finally, people are greedy. They have 20% for a down payment and want to get the biggest house that they can get, even if it's overleveraging themselves on the monthly payments, which stretches it out to 30 years to lower the monthly payment, but the amortization takes a VERY long time to pay down. Then rates go down and the price on the home went up, and their refi at another 30 years at 80% LTV. Then they sell their home and move cities, and do it again with whatever cash they have amassed on the sale, at 80% LTV on the mortgage.
Yeah I follow you on this point as well.. But man, when you run the numbers on the total out of pocket cost for the 30 year note vs a 15 year note, the huge difference should make people not be able to sleep at night. When I did that and saw the big difference I couldn't make myself do the 30.