I understand you love to somehow protect your end of the things, always taking the option "we had nothing to do with it", but you see, the person making the most profit, bears the most responsibility. Your analogy was so off and irrelevant to the point, that I won't comment.

And you see, you being from a funding company, are also running away from being responsible. Amazing. Because you know you need these bogus promises being made, so you make the deals, but the responsibility is somehow shifted to a broker that you have no idea about. Perfect, isn't it? Let's see when the first MCA lender will step up and say "I take responsibility for the broker I used to make the profit margin by scamming everyone". I am waiting.

the main people responsible are the MCA lenders, and their investors. So let's all make sure that happens, and a lot of things will be fixed. We will do everything to the end to make that happen and correct this scam environment (main drive of it is the greedy profit margins of the MCA and their investors, who are creating this environment where these bogus brokers are born, and the atmosphere of "I am not responsible" is nurtured). time for this to end, and MCA lenders must pay for any and all damages.