Quote Originally Posted by moneypenny1 View Post
I disagree- Its not greed- If you work hard to get the merchant a great deal and you sell a normal fee (1-4%) of the funded there is totally nothing wrong with that. as long as your honest and upfront you wont loose the client or the renewal and you will end up with more PR-
My point is, it puts a bad taste in merchants' mouths. Every file takes work, and the points you're making on the file should be enough for you not to hit the merchant (who's already taking expensive money) with another fee. Wouldn't it make sense to try to drop fees wherever possible rather than add-on wherever possible? They always remember the deal you got them. They keep coming back. Another example- dropping points on an A paper client to get the deal done may suck for this month, but that's residual income every renewal just added to your pipeline. I understand you not agreeing, but in my opinion, and many others like me- there is just no upside to charging additional fees. I'd rather have a book of clients that know I don't charge them anything other than what's on the contracts. Its gotten me more referrals than you can imagine. To each his own, I just don't do it and I don't advise anyone just getting started in the space to do it either.