Quote Originally Posted by borrowmoneyhere View Post
I have access to a marketing company that will help me drive traffic to a website, or landing page, to harvest forms to call. This would be an alternative to cold calling data.

Am I wasting my time?

Thanks you!


It comes down to the cost of the traffic and who is working the traffic. The reason people still cold call is because you can reach a lot of people in a cost efficient (but time consuming) manner.

If you can bring a ton of traffic inexpensively, that part of the battle is a win.

You can ask what type of traffic it is, but the question may be moot; if the merchants are filling out a page giving their sales and answering other questions, that will qualify them, and even if most are unqualified, you will know that from a quick glance of the forms they fill out.

The next important question will be... who will be calling these opt-ins and how well in advance do you know if the call is even worth it. That's where a campaign usually derails, as a lot of time can be wasted calling a bunch of start ups, DNQs, which kills morale and creates a subconscious write off of the campaign.

You definitely want to have some quality control measures in place early on so you can know what you're producing.

If sales people are hungry lions, don't hand them steak that turns out to be colored soap, because now the steak becomes you. Know in advance.

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