They're all good.
Depending on who you use will depend how much you have to be involved.
Getting involved with the credit pulls is the "hard" part, so each group has a different way they make it easier.

Also, there are some that only do business cards, some do personal cards, and some can even do personal loans. The challenge that most of your clients will have is "I wanted a LOC, not a credit card." It's just a question of how to drag the money off of the card to do well.

The only problem with most of them is that you can't up-sell more than 10% and you make between 2 and 3 points. Upsell over that.... your max is another 2.5.

I can introduce you to a group that allows you to up-sell from 8 up to 15 and keep it all (max 7 points) and solves all of these problems. Client who would only get approved for like $30k in cards, we are getting them $200k in a personal loan.