Maybe I'm ignorant but I really don't think Trump or Biden winning is that big of a deal. Checks and balances were created so that nothing drastic like "socialism" would ever happen without having the majority of elected officials agree to it and no one is ever going to bring pure socialism into this country. I think the idea behind these "socialism" candidates is that at what point in a countries massively undeniably disgustingly wealthy existence does it become easier for people to get universal healthcare or free education? I don't think anyone is comparing the ideas that these very few candidates are bringing to the table to anything that resembles an extremely poor country trying to create socialism and failing due to lack of funding (anyone want to give an offer on venezuela?). The only thing that confuses me is that Republicans would rather see one single man on this planet have 1 trillion dollars (jeff bezos) before seeing a struggling person get free cancer treatment.

I think the fact that Trump cares so much about being in power shows everything wrong with who he is. If he can't accept defeat and go on with his life without instilling fear of "socialism" into his supporters, he's a cancer that needs to be eradicated. And I'm sure the world will eradicate him too. He's literally willing to have this entire country collapse before he stops getting his free rides in air force one with his secret service members following him around and having everyone talk about him. It kind of sounds like a modern day dictator to me....