Quote Originally Posted by sean bash View Post
I don't think there is a defense. Some are summary judgment without the stacker even presenting anything. Others go the settlement route. The stackers tend to throw money at it to make it go away and then make a conscious decision not to stack on that particular funder again going forward.

We've had funders come on here with a reputation for stacking specifically name other funders that they won't stack on. It's not just because they respect them, it's because they don't want to get blown up by them.

For those asking me to point them to public court documents, it's not really my place to do that. If a funder wants to share them with the world they can. There are many states in the country to file and more than a thousand funders in the industry. They're not easy to find.

My point is this. If you're running around out there with a hotmail account telling people you do 5th positions, you're a time bomb. If you couldn't afford a lawyer to draft up a contract so you just copied and pasted someone else's, you're a time bomb. And if you're funding under those circumstances anyway and doing it with borrowed money, you're an atom bomb.

If you can't afford a real lawyer, you should not be a funder period.
GREAT advice, Sean