Quote Originally Posted by dailyfunderppt View Post
Auto deposits, no chasing?
The key is to working with institutions that offer superior products and services that make great customer relationships. Don't focus on winning deals.....win customers. In performing due diligence on institutions one should always ask what the longevity is of customer relationships. Ours is in excess of 3 years which is far and above industry standard. Most facilities we provide have a 12 month term and most customers chose to renew with us because of the services we provide, flexibility, and we are very cost effective.

Our referral agreements pay referral fees for the life of the client. That being said, I have referral sources that are enjoying their commissions on clients we won 5 years ago on 12 month terms.

Never confuse a cheaper rate for the client with less referral fees. If you work with institutions that have a low cost of capital and superior services you tend to win more clients and those relationships are sticky. The low cost of funds also creates more spread on deals which in turn equals more referral fees. Some will gravitate to always making the fast, easy commission. Do not to step over dollars to pick up pennies.

