Quote Originally Posted by Rickinindy View Post
That is fair -

I can defiantly do that, our system is one where reps only need to make 10 quality calls a day to get a funded deal and it happens here all the time. As I mentioned- that is only 5 of the 15 tested right there and we will learn more. Rest assured, we see something positive here we will come here and let everyone know about it.

You deserve a fair shot and that is exactly what I am going to give you here
That is not really fair, I agree, you took all day to analyze 5 leads ? it would have taken you 1 hour to call/reach out to them all instead. I also highly doubt that your agents call 10 leads to close an asset based deal. but then again I am not exactly sure how your product is possible, kudos to you though, wish you the best, my only point with this post is that; unless you're a certain VP of Business Development that posts on this forum (and claims to make 30 targeted calls a day ) your going to be calling hundreds of times to close some deals.

5 leads is too small of a sample size