These Leads Don’t Suck
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  1. #1

    These Leads Don’t Suck

    Hello all,

    My name is Jenny with Lexicon Data. We are a boutique data company located in Las Vegas, Nevada. I will spare you the sales pitch, and be blunt. Our leads Don’t Suck.

    We have products no other company offers. With that, I welcome all critique and flaming. But please, if you are going to be negative, I also welcome you to request free samples to try for yourself. All I ask in return, is you reply back to this board with your honest feedback.

    PM me, or email me direct for our price list, and to request some free samples. We are not afraid to put our data with our mouth is.

    You’ll see, the leads don’t suck.

    Lexicon Data
    P: 1-866-411-8830

  2. #2
    Member Reputation points: 244
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    Best Deal for Your Debt in 48 Hours
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  3. #3
    Hey Jason, please reach out!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Reputation points: 64261
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    Oct 2020

    All MCA leads are the same. Prove me wrong.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Reputation points: 54849 JasonBishop's Avatar
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    Jun 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by CT3 View Post
    All MCA leads are the same. Prove me wrong.
    Wow you're coming in full steam on Day 1. Good for you. I love it. However if you only are offering MCA and nothing more this is why they may feel like they are the same.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexicon Data View Post
    Hello all,

    My name is Jenny with Lexicon Data. We are a boutique data company located in Las Vegas, Nevada. I will spare you the sales pitch, and be blunt. Our leads Don’t Suck.

    We have products no other company offers. With that, I welcome all critique and flaming. But please, if you are going to be negative, I also welcome you to request free samples to try for yourself. All I ask in return, is you reply back to this board with your honest feedback.

    PM me, or email me direct for our price list, and to request some free samples. We are not afraid to put our data with our mouth is.

    You’ll see, the leads don’t suck.

    Lexicon Data
    P: 1-866-411-8830
    Welcome to the forum jenny, Will you mind providing your full name? is anyone on linkedin?My biggest issue i see with new ghost companies is that they are bad lead companies rebranded and hiding who they really are

  7. #7
    Senior Member Reputation points: 54849 JasonBishop's Avatar
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    For the record I have no idea who these people are. I've noticed the same recently.
    Last edited by JasonBishop; 10-05-2020 at 02:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Hello all,

    As until recently we have been a boutique lead provider to handful of shops. We have been around just about a year, and never had a need for marketing because we did not want to saturate our data. Since restrictions have been lifting in the industry, we have had an influx of data which prompted us to make this post. We have a handful of samples currently out, and are awaiting feedback. With that said, to preserve our data, once we reach our new customer limit we will be closing the doors on new business.

    Any other questions please reach out.

    Jenny Quinn
    P: 702-938-1080

  9. #9
    Senior Member Reputation points: 64261
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonBishop View Post
    Wow you're coming in full steam on Day 1. Good for you. I love it. However if you only are offering MCA and nothing more this is why they may feel like they are the same.
    Lol thank you. I've bought from a few providers now, MCA only. Can't tell the difference. Seems like everyone buys it from the same person and just resells.

  10. #10
    Member Reputation points: 4699 Rickinindy's Avatar
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    4:28 PM (3 minutes ago)
    to Lexicon, underwriting

    Ecology Solar - Left message- info partially checked out
    Angel Heart Home Care- Email and phone number and contact all bad- research team found some info and is assigned
    Expense Optimizers - Another broker shop in business services that actually applied and claims not to be in the MCA space- however the research team shows the owner listed passed and the business passed with him, Research and investigation team found this number tracks back to a "scab " number and person answering is being instructed to fill out anyone's app to make traction and plausible to make the list look good- however Underwriting disagrees and is currently waiting to see if tha applicant sends in a full pack and will complete a decision logic link
    Premier Island- in HI and assigned to a rep without being scrubbed to see what happens
    COPP industrial - all info provided was bad and Research and investigations team has identified the correct info

    In a 5 company test showing 80% info provided was inaccurate the results show as follows:


    In a communications test with our office being able to contact you- the results are as follows:


    First off Jenny, thank you for sending the 15 company test leads, however, as mentioned in the email sent from underwriting on Saturday that our system is SUBSTANTIUALLY more complex than most MCA shops because we ARE asset based and we have an inhouse team that scrubs all data so no Metro agent wastes any time calling bad data.

    We would make one recommendation, if you want us to order leads we would require a fresh test. Perhaps you didn't know how we roll, but if you would like to re-send a solid test data list for us to see how well it works with our system then I would send it if I were you because we have tested some folks and passed on them lately but are looking for a SOLID list provider whom we will stay exclusive with and scale and grow with as we fund more in the MCA space and asset space. Admins here have spent half the day chasing proper info down and that is not what we have in mind as we find a proper vendor for the position.

    Patiently waiting your reply

  11. #11
    Senior Member Reputation points: 203690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickinindy View Post
    4:28 PM (3 minutes ago)
    to Lexicon, underwriting

    Ecology Solar - Left message- info partially checked out
    Angel Heart Home Care- Email and phone number and contact all bad- research team found some info and is assigned
    Expense Optimizers - Another broker shop in business services that actually applied and claims not to be in the MCA space- however the research team shows the owner listed passed and the business passed with him, Research and investigation team found this number tracks back to a "scab " number and person answering is being instructed to fill out anyone's app to make traction and plausible to make the list look good- however Underwriting disagrees and is currently waiting to see if tha applicant sends in a full pack and will complete a decision logic link
    Premier Island- in HI and assigned to a rep without being scrubbed to see what happens
    COPP industrial - all info provided was bad and Research and investigations team has identified the correct info

    In a 5 company test showing 80% info provided was inaccurate the results show as follows:


    In a communications test with our office being able to contact you- the results are as follows:


    First off Jenny, thank you for sending the 15 company test leads, however, as mentioned in the email sent from underwriting on Saturday that our system is SUBSTANTIUALLY more complex than most MCA shops because we ARE asset based and we have an inhouse team that scrubs all data so no Metro agent wastes any time calling bad data.

    We would make one recommendation, if you want us to order leads we would require a fresh test. Perhaps you didn't know how we roll, but if you would like to re-send a solid test data list for us to see how well it works with our system then I would send it if I were you because we have tested some folks and passed on them lately but are looking for a SOLID list provider whom we will stay exclusive with and scale and grow with as we fund more in the MCA space and asset space. Admins here have spent half the day chasing proper info down and that is not what we have in mind as we find a proper vendor for the position.

    Patiently waiting your reply
    hmmmm interesting feedback I think everyone appreciates this.

  12. #12
    Member Reputation points: 4699 Rickinindy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sachip24 View Post
    hmmmm interesting feedback I think everyone appreciates this.
    To their defense, I do not believe there was a scab in there, however, the research team is also risk assessment here

  13. #13
    Thank you for the feedback.

    Just so I understand correctly you tested 30% of list? I’m sorry your team wasted half the day on 5 leads. That was not our intention.

    If possible please work the full list before posting a full detailed critique. As it seems you are still waiting on call backs and to contact the others.I think that is only fair as you are extremely thorough and we appreciate that.

    Thank you!

  14. #14
    Member Reputation points: 4699 Rickinindy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexicon Data View Post
    Thank you for the feedback.

    Just so I understand correctly you tested 30% of list? I’m sorry your team wasted half the day on 5 leads. That was not our intention.

    If possible please work the full list before posting a full detailed critique. As it seems you are still waiting on call backs and to contact the others.I think that is only fair as you are extremely thorough and we appreciate that.

    Thank you!
    That is fair -

    I can defiantly do that, our system is one where reps only need to make 10 quality calls a day to get a funded deal and it happens here all the time. As I mentioned- that is only 5 of the 15 tested right there and we will learn more. Rest assured, we see something positive here we will come here and let everyone know about it.

    You deserve a fair shot and that is exactly what I am going to give you here

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Rickinindy View Post
    That is fair -

    I can defiantly do that, our system is one where reps only need to make 10 quality calls a day to get a funded deal and it happens here all the time. As I mentioned- that is only 5 of the 15 tested right there and we will learn more. Rest assured, we see something positive here we will come here and let everyone know about it.

    You deserve a fair shot and that is exactly what I am going to give you here
    That is not really fair, I agree, you took all day to analyze 5 leads ? it would have taken you 1 hour to call/reach out to them all instead. I also highly doubt that your agents call 10 leads to close an asset based deal. but then again I am not exactly sure how your product is possible, kudos to you though, wish you the best, my only point with this post is that; unless you're a certain VP of Business Development that posts on this forum (and claims to make 30 targeted calls a day ) your going to be calling hundreds of times to close some deals.

    5 leads is too small of a sample size

  16. #16
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    If its live leads than 15 is s fair sample size. Aged data you need at least 1000

  17. #17
    Member Reputation points: 4699 Rickinindy's Avatar
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    Here is an update,

    So we called the sample and now the numbers are starting to reflect something positive

    11 of 15 reached
    3 additional applications now for a total of 4 applicants sent
    1 has already completed the application

    BKR (metro lingo for background on the public info found on the business that develops the file into my CRM) took a good chunk of his day researching to make sure we had all key points we would want when we make the most important call, the initial call.

    I can see where this company will be good in the space with us but there are a few bugs we would want to work on so the DC (data conversion rates) (more Metro lingo) is spot on so we can see the usual 15-22 per hour upload into the CRM so my reps don't just sit and wait for something to pop up in the newly assigned pane

    More details and the final numbers on these 15 coming up soon, keep posted.

  18. #18
    So for the record 4 applications sent on 11 calls?

    With one package sent in.

    May I ask were the revenues accurate on the package received?

    And these are not live leads for the record.
    Last edited by Lexicon Data; 10-05-2020 at 06:50 PM.

  19. #19
    Member Reputation points: 4699 Rickinindy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexicon Data View Post
    So for the record 4 applications sent on 11 calls?

    With one package sent in.

    May I ask were the revenues accurate on the package received?

    And these are not live leads for the record.

    4 apps sent one pack in
    7.2 Hrs on one admin of mine to research and investigate
    Revenue consistent from what we have seen so far

  20. #20
    Rick, thank you for the full feedback.

    This is why we initially welcomed all reviews. People may think you're being a tough critic, however that is what we want and how we maintain our relationships. Some might call 11 leads and get 4 app outs and do back flips. Especially on data that is not live transfers or real time. You however, gave your honest read which we are grateful for.

    We have received similar feedback via email, just waiting on it to be posted.

    Thank you all.

  21. #21
    I'll try out a sample.

  22. #22
    Hello all!

    Just wanted to thank everyone for interest in our products. This will be last day we are giving out free samples to test. We have on-boarded our desired amount of new clients at this point. We will, however, entertain more new business until all our data supply is spoken for. We will still give data to test at a discounted price if wanted initially.

    Thank you!

  23. #23
    Asked here and through PM a day ago. Do I have to promise to say I closed 4 out of 15 to get 15 records out of you or what?

  24. #24
    Hi Leadburner!

    Members reached out to our processor via email and requested our pricing guide and lead sample after explaining briefly about them and their operation. Admittedly a large portion offered to pay for test data.

    If you would like to do the same. Please feel free to.

    With that said, sure, you can please post you closed 4 out of 15 samples for us. That would do wonders in terms of getting more people to look for a handout.

    Thank you, and have a blessed day!

  25. #25
    But I asked price in the PM a few days ago. Not a big deal, I'm eager to see more reviews. Can you at least answer the price question here then since my PMs seem to be broken?Ball park.

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