Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Oh, one other thing, not all cards throw their inquiries onto the same bureau. If you really know how to do it right, and you hit the inquiries in the right order, you can capitalize really well.
Now that's the type of info, that is extremely valuable and the difference in a merchant doing this themselves and getting $40K across 2 cards. Versus letting someone like you help facilitate this and potentially getting way more than that.

The conundrum is, assigning a value to what I feel it's worth to have someone more well versed helping facilitate this, in the hopes of potentially getting higher approvals than what I could have gotten by attempting to do this myself.


I took your advice about 3 years ago regarding your posts about the "Lowest cost access to funds being 0% CC approvals".. 3 years ago, I did it myself and in like 30 minutes I had 2 approvals for credits cards with a combined total of like $40K, 0% interest 18 months... So using that historical transaction, I wonder if I would have let a "Funding Ninja" facilitate that for me, would they have came out with the same $40K, or would they have increased that number so much past that, that I would feel their fee is justified.

Decisions Decisions...

Where is a good crystal ball when you need one!