My favorite deal I've worked on in this area is $76,000 in approvals. We used the merchant's fiancé's outstanding credit to refi her cash advances at 1.4999 and a reverse on top of it that caused her a lot of trouble and strangling her cash-flow (caused by a combination of a lying broker and her being a bit of simpleton, but a sweetheart), and she also used it to finance some wedding-related items at 0%. She was THRILLED to pay.

Years ago, one of the people I used to work with on these worked on a file that got $806,000. They had 25 years of perfect credit and amazing income verification.
Someone with good credit pays their bills. Especially when the only way to legally have someone else apply for these cards/lines is when you give a limited power of attorney, and that same POA will give the group who applies the ability to close them down as well.
There's no way to avoid the inquiries. It's essentially quadruple-funding. But doing them one at a time

There are also ways to do this through business credit cards that usage won't report to the personal credit as long as they are kept in good standing. You'd be surprised that some business cards report like CapOne, some do not like Chase, which means that an inquiry wash could be done on those. If the credit card line is showing on the personal credit, then that inquiry cannot be removed. However, business cards, while meant to be used at 90%, will a lower 0 APR period, meaning 6-12 months. However, if they are paid down properly, then they are amazing, since then 18 month 0 APR checks will be sent without having to anything else. And the lines will increase with proper usage as well. Gotta have a good coach to help

I wouldn't recommend to @Winning to ask for increases in current cards, as that will create a new inquiry, and that needs the right timing to maximize approval. A very skilled person will be able to take the current cards that Winning has and be able to convert them to 0 APR as well.

Knowing what is on the file is pretty easy - require a credit monitoring service that updates daily and approvals show up automatically once the credit cards have been activated, and the credit limits are clear.

10% commissions are standard, I've seen brokers charge 15%. Lots of mouths to feed, it's a TON of work. Of course, they should be paid out of the cards themselves, so that also will be financed at 0% over a year+.

On top of all of this, there are also personal loans and LOCs that can be secured. Grabbing one or two of those first won't harm the credit card chances, but they can make significant headway into needed cheap money (9-13% APR, over 7 years).

There's a simple reason why I outsource all of this: If I did it, then I would never have time for anything else. It needs underwriting, processing, follow-up.